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Injured! So You Can’t Workout?
If you are injured you must rest and avoid exercise - right? Not so fast there...
Too Tired to Workout?
Too much work on? Not enough time? Fitness is a luxury you can't afford? Are you sure?
Exercise & Nutrition You Simply Don’t Like
Don't like the things you know will make a difference in reaching your goals? Here's what to do about it.
Popular Posts
Just This Once Won’t Hurt – Will It?
Everything in moderation, right? It's just this once, so it'll be OK. Maybe, but maybe not. Here are the pros and cons.
Goal Setting – The Key to Success through Emotivation
You set many goals, but how often do you follow through? If you are like most people, rarely. Let's look at how to change that.
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WELCOME This part of the site is an area where we intend to add pieces of diet, exercise, health & fitness information on a regular basis that I hope you will [...]