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7 Steps to Get a Grip on Your Goals
Follow the crowd to failure or make a serious plan for success.
Rest Times & Muscle Growth
How do you maximise your rest times to ensure you maximise your results in the gym?
Trans Fats are Bad : Myths Demystified
Trans Fats are Bad - Is it really that simple?
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The Big Fat Debate – Butter or Margarine
Butter is high in saturated fat, which is bad. Margarine is low in saturated fat, which is good. But there is more to consider that may surprise you.
How Do I Motivate Myself to Exercise?
You want to exercise, you know it'll benefit you, yet you don't do it! Why is that? And how do you change it?
A lesson in life from a Super Gran
My Gran - A wonderful life that should never have been.
Diet & Nutrition Approaches
The Corona Virus – Lessons, Thoughts, Our Approach & How It Affects You
With the effects of the Corona Virus hitting most people, what can we do for the best? What lessons can we learn? And what are the effects on DCS?
Keys to Recovery: Optimising Muscle Repair & Growth
The right amount of recovery is key to maximising your efforts in the gym or any physical activity. Here are your keys to success.
How Fast Will I See Results from Working Out?
When you start working out, you obviously want to know how fast you will see results. Here's the answer (though be careful!)
Training Approaches
Is Your Training Plan Fluid or Rigid? Which is Best?
How rigid is your training plan and how rigid should it be to optimise results
A Guide to Training for Fat Loss
When training for fat loss, most of the advice given sounds good. But there is a better way.
Why Count Reps – Every Rep Counts!
WHY COUNT REPS? EVERY REP COUNTS! If you have ever spent any time in a gym, lifted weights or even if you have only read the odd magazine or internet [...]