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Diet Breaks: Overcoming Your Fat Loss Plateaus
Stuck on your diet? Can’t seem to make progress? Ready to give up? Maybe you need a diet break?
Carbs in the Evening: Myth’s Demystified
Eating carbs in the evening is a fat loss killer, right? Maybe not!
Dynamic Warm Up: The How and Why
How to get the most out of your warm up for maximum results. Everything you need to know in this how-to guide to the dynamic warm up.
Popular Posts
What is a Fat Burning Zone?
What exactly is a 'fat burning zone'? Most people are approaching fat loss and associated training in the wrong way because of a term that is misunderstood.
The Big Fat Debate – Butter or Margarine
Butter is high in saturated fat, which is bad. Margarine is low in saturated fat, which is good. But there is more to consider that may surprise you.
Why Are We Here?
HOW DID WE GET TO THIS POINT? This is, in essence, my life story. How I went from wanting to be an Architect, succeeding and giving it all up to do what [...]
Diet & Nutrition Approaches
Eggs Veg & Feta Bake Recipe
Eggs are extremely versatile, but even still, many people get stuck on ideas. So here's a simple, but tasty recipe to try.
Training Approaches
How Fast Will I See Results from Working Out?
When you start working out, you obviously want to know how fast you will see results. Here's the answer (though be careful!)
Exercise & Nutrition You Simply Don’t Like
Don't like the things you know will make a difference in reaching your goals? Here's what to do about it.
Successful Fitness Plans – Minus the Instagram Filter
A Fitness Plan that promise success is easy to find. But in an effort to get noticed, often the 'experts' are doing more harm than good.